1. Get the SSL Certificate for connecting to Gmail POP3-over-SSL (pop3s) :
# cd /usr/share/ssl/certs
# wget -O Equifax_Secure_Certificate_Authority.pem https://www.geotrust.com/resources/root_certificates/certificates/Equifax_Secure_Certificate_Authority.cer
# chmod 644 Equifax_Secure_Certificate_Authority.pem
# openssl x509 -in Equifax_Secure_Certificate_Authority.pem -fingerprint -subject -issuer -serial -hash -noout
# c_rehash . (c_rehash command will be available with openssl-perl package)
# file 594f1775.* (the name of linked file)
2. Create a .fetchmailrc file in user's home directory and write the following lines :
poll pop.gmail.com with proto POP3
user 'username@gmail.com' there with password 'password' is username here
options keep ssl sslfingerprint 'FF:69:18:0D:75:8C:17:61:F5:EF:FC:F9:85:7D:F5:0E' (this fingerprint will be shown by using fetchmail -v)
sslcertpath /usr/share/ssl/certs
3. fetchmail -d 600 (The fetchmail utility can be run in daemon mode by running it with the -d flag, followed by the interval in seconds that fetchmail should
poll servers listed in the .fetchmailrc file.)
4. You can now check your gmail emails in local users mailbox by using mail user agents like mail,mutt,alpine,etc.